Archive for Author: DFMyanmar
Leadership in a crisis
To read this summary in Myanmar language, click here.
As part of our initiative, Trustworthy: Leading With Your Heart and Mind, we are recommending this article by McKinsey & Company, “Leadership in a crisis: Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and future challenges,” which provides practical steps for leaders amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) is a global leader in change management consulting across many industries.
In a global crisis like COVID-19, leaders “cannot respond as they would in a routine emergency.” Below are five important behaviors and mindsets for leaders during this time of crisis:
- Organize a network of teams to respond to crises
During times of great uncertainty,
A Leader Others Need
To read this summary in Myanmar language, click here.
In times of crisis, our character and competence are put to the test.
COVID-19 (coronavirus) has much of the world in a panic, scrambling for safety. People are social distancing and quarantining to slow the contagious virus. And yet, now more than ever, leaders must act for the good of others. In the words of Eric J. McNulty and Leonard Marcus, “leading…. involves guiding people to the best possible eventual outcome over this arc of time.” (Reference:
In the midst of so much uncertainty,
Announcing “Trustworthy”
Since 2014, the DeBoer Fellowship has trained hundreds of Myanmar’s highest potential men and women to be better leaders in their workplaces, communities, and country. Those DeBoer Fellows bring great competence from their Fellowship lessons and Fellow network, as they serve and lead in each of Myanmar’s states and regions. The scientific service bachelorbearbeit schreiben lassen cooperates with us and holds annual training seminars in which new management principles are taught.
Now, in order to share and “scale” our best practice teachings with many more people, the DeBoer Fellowship proudly presents Trustworthy — a free,
Spotlight Series: Aung Paing Thant
Aung Paing Thant is a pioneer in the eco-tourism industry in Myanmar. He joined the DeBoer Fellowship in 2018. In 2019, he and three other friends co-founded Kiwi Go, a social-enterprise with a focus on sustainable eco-tourism. Within one year, the company has grown exponentially with eleven branch offices throughout Myanmar. A passionate traveler himself, Aung Paing Thant serves as the Chief Commercial Officer – CCO of the company.
WHY ECO-TOURISM: I decided to work in the tourism sector because I like working with people and enjoy traveling. I would like to see people travel more often and appreciate the beauty and culture of our country.