Archive for Author: DFMyanmar
Aung Kyaw Swar: passionate educator, environmentalist and development practitioner
I passionately believe that education is the crucial area to nurture someone. Understanding on education varies from academic knowledge to the art of living life. I believe good education produces responsible citizens who can enhance peace and harmony within their own community by respecting others’ cultures, religions, identities, and natural environment while conserving and promoting his/her own.
Education is not only about one’s ability, but one’s mindset and skillset to live and enjoy a meaningful life.
The corporation as agent of cultural fusion, Makiko Eda [TED]
To read this summary in Myanmar language, click here.
Makiko Eda, former President of Intel Japan and current Chief Representative Officer for World Economic Forum Japan, shares her experiences of joining a global corporation, Intel, in this TED Talk, “The corporation as agent of cultural fusion.” She shares about culture shock and of what she learned navigating global and cultural norms personally and through observing other employees, especially in emerging markets.
She shares the very different office norms from more reserved Japanese style to the more direct American style as soon as she would pick up the phone.
Great Leaders are Great Decision-Makers
To read this summary in Myanmar language, click here.
Great leaders learn to “balance emotion with reason to make decisions that positively impact themselves, their employees, their customers…and their organizations.” Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business Review in “Great Leaders Are Great Decision-Makers” cites three qualities that leaders must develop in order to make effective decisions:
- Emotional intelligence;
- Emotional self-control and decision-making; and,
- Reigning in emotions for strategic decisions.
[See “Leadership in a crisis” for more on this process.]
Emotional intelligence
It is crucial for leaders to develop the quality of emotional intelligence.
Five Ways to Lead in an Era of Constant Change, Jim Hemerling [TED]
To read this summary in Myanmar language, click here.
In a time unlike any other that has occurred in our lifetimes, COVID-19 has brought about constant change and unknown. While organizations were familiar to change already, this period of time has brought into focus the need for transformations of companies and organizations. The DeBoer Fellowship recommends this TED Talk by Jim Hemerling, “5 ways to lead in an era of constant change” and has provided a summary of his points below.
While people may describe self-transformation with positive emotions like “empowering,
DeBoer Fellowship Dean To Move To Canada
In 2014, Jack and Marilyn DeBoer and Fritz Kling wondered how they might make a big difference in Myanmar – a country where they had long been involved and was rapidly changing. They created the DeBoer Fellowship to create a vibrant network of diverse, talented, mid-career leaders from around Myanmar, and to train them in international best practices.
Since then, 229 DeBoer Fellows have completed the Core year. They are now deeply connected with each other as Lifelong Fellows, and almost 80% of them remain involved with each other and the Fellowship. Throughout Myanmar, they are known as progressive and ethical leaders who put others and their country first.