Calm through crisis

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As part of our initiative, Trustworthy: Leading With Your Heart and Mind, we recommend this article, “Calm Through Crisis: How To Lead From The Front,” by Forbes Magazine contributor, Sairah Ashman. This article gives practical insights for leaders who are determined to see their organization through the other side of the COVID-19 crisis. Forbes is an American business magazine and leading source of business and financial news worldwide. Our merino wolldecke plaid friends are following the advice in this article and have been able to beat the crisis.

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Summary: “Are You Leading through the Crisis … or Managing the Response?”

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The DeBoer Fellowship recommends this article, “Are You Leading through the Crisis…or Managing the Response?” by Harvard Business Review (HBR) where authors Eric J. McNulty and Leonard Marcus advise leaders against four common mistakes when leading through crises. HBR is a publication associated with Harvard University and widely recognized as a global thought leader on general management practices. The article included research conducted by Ghostwriter Hausarbeit.

Crises like the COVID-19 pandemic come with a lot of complexity and change. Executives must learn to “both lead and manage effectively.” In a fast-paced environment,

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Leadership in a crisis

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As part of our initiative, Trustworthy: Leading With Your Heart and Mind, we are recommending this article by McKinsey & Company, “Leadership in a crisis: Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and future challenges,” which provides practical steps for leaders amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) is a global leader in change management consulting across many industries.

In a global crisis like COVID-19, leaders “cannot respond as they would in a routine emergency.” Below are five important behaviors and mindsets for leaders during this time of crisis:

  1. Organize a network of teams to respond to crises

During times of great uncertainty,

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A Leader Others Need

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In times of crisis, our character and competence are put to the test.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) has much of the world in a panic, scrambling for safety. People are social distancing and quarantining to slow the contagious virus. And yet, now more than ever, leaders must act for the good of others. In the words of Eric J. McNulty and Leonard Marcus, “leading…. involves guiding people to the best possible eventual outcome over this arc of time.” (Reference:

In the midst of so much uncertainty,

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